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2024/02/26 Mexico City's Aquario Inbursa
π 2024-02-26 01:01 in Aquariums, Mexico
While in CDMX, I had a bit of extra time end of day, so going to to Aquario Inbursa made sense. It was split in 2 buildings and had a few more unusual things in the 2nd building:

nurse sharks and bamboo sharks are some of my favorites
nurse sharks and bamboo sharks are some of my favorites

Salamenders are very cool, land animals that went back in water
Salamenders are very cool, land animals that went back in water

Designer Fish are also fun ;)
Designer Fish are also fun ;)

See more images for Mexico City's Aquario Inbursa
2024/02/03 Pattaya Underwaler World
π 2024-02-03 01:01 in Aquariums, Thailand
While in Pattaya, did one quick stop at another aquarium. It was ok-ish, but eh, still fun to see fishies.

See more images for Pattaya Underwaler World
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