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2019/01/21 Donkey Car with Tensorflow Video Analysis at Open Hardware Miniconf at Linux.Conf.au 2019
π 2019-01-21 01:01 in Arduino, Linux
This year, the Open Hardware Miniconf team designed a donkeycar for us at LCA 2019 Christchurch. It's a car that navigates by itself using its onboard camera connected to a Raspberry Pi using training video data gathered and analysed offline by tensorflow. That sure was an ambitious project!

I arrived the day before to help finish up the kits for the next morning:

the cars were eager to perform :)
the cars were eager to perform :)

Andy and Jon who ended up working all night to make sure the kits would work the next morning
Andy and Jon who ended up working all night to make sure the kits would work the next morning

The next morning, we showed up to build the kit:

rPi with custom last minute hat for the donkey car
rPi with custom last minute hat for the donkey car


Jon gave a talk about the car design
Jon gave a talk about the car design

Nice way to support 5V neopixels on 3.3V microcontrollers
Nice way to support 5V neopixels on 3.3V microcontrollers

We then had a few talks:

Including mine on the history of linux.conf.au hardware miniconf

After the miniconf, we had a few tries at getting our own cars to self drive after training:

I decked out my car with neopixels, because bling! :)
I decked out my car with neopixels, because bling! :)

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