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2021/04/26 First DC Track Day at Thunderhill
π 2021-04-26 01:01 in Cars, Ncars
It had been a while since I got up early to fly to Thunderhill (well, not that early, 6:15), almost 2 years. Damn... Beautiful flight:

Thanks to Ren and driveclub for inviting me to their track day. Lots of cars, lots of drivers of different ability and it worked beautifully considering, I was beyond impressed.

hi joon
hi joon


I arrived just in time for a group picture, but got in trouble for getting there a bit too quickly (oops):

Social distanced-ish meeting time, and then driving most of the day:

Lots of different cars:

I rented a Porsche GT4 clubsport from SP Motorsports, and Paul took good care of me (thank you). It was a fun new car for me to learn to drive. It had enough power, the brakes were really good, the included tires were scrubs, so that was the main downside (real slicks cost a lot). Still, eventually got the car down to 1:57 when it's apparently good for 1:53 with proper tires and a real driver, so that's not too bad:

after a good day of driving where I used up all the brakes :)
after a good day of driving where I used up all the brakes :)

That was my best lap in the afternoon on one of my few almost clean laps (didn't get many) and 2nd set of scrubs before they went downhill. 1:57 is 9 sec slower than what I would do in my F458 GT3, but well, that car is a bit cheaper too :)

After that, the scrubs got worse, and I got more tired, so I went back to 1:58 and above, but still had a great time.

Thank you to everyone involved in making the day happen, it was lots of fun!

The flight back was also nice and uneventful (i.e. good):

See more images for First DC Track Day at Thunderhill
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