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2014/02/11 Another shot at driving at the Ferrari FF in Aspen
π 2014-02-11 01:01 in Cars, Ncars
Two years ago, I went to Aspen for the Ferrari FF drive on ice class. Unfortunately, the class got cancelled due to lack of snow on the ice track back then, so we drove around Aspen for a copule of days instead.
This year, I figured I'd try again and signed up for their new ice day on ice, one day driving around Aspen event.

The direct flight to Aspen didn't quite happen as planned. First it left 2.5H late from SFO because SFO sucks and goes to shit as soon as any clouds are on the horizon (parallel runways to close, not enough horizontal separation for parallel landings in IMC conditions causing a ripple effect of delays).
Once we arrived in Aspen, it was too late and the weather had worsened. As a result, we failed to land in Aspen and diverted to our alternate in Grand Junction. We finally got to Aspen via bus, many hours later than planned...

nice view from my room at the Little Mell
nice view from my room at the Little Mell

After a somewhat short night, the next morning we had enough snow that it was not possible to fly to the ice track in steamboat springs, which unfortunately cancelled our ice driving class, which was a huge bummer since it was my main reason for going back since man last try 2012.

That evening, we had a reception and dinner at the top of Aspen/Ajax Mountain:

The next morning, we went for our scheduled drive around Aspen to Fork Smith Ranch. It was a nice drive with nice weather, and the same drive I had done 2 years prior:

my first co-driver for the morning
my first co-driver for the morning

going through Aspen
going through Aspen

a couple of bald eagles
a couple of bald eagles

better shot from the official photographer
better shot from the official photographer

It was a nice drive with fun people to do it with. Even if it was the 2nd time and I didn't get to do the ice track, the sole reason I had come back, the scenery was still beautiful and it was better than being at work :)

Here is a quick clip if you'd like one:

And it's probaly boring, but if you'd like a longer video to go through, here you go:

Some great pictures from the event photographer:

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