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2019/10/18 Louwman Car Museum in The Hague
π 2019-10-18 01:01 in Cars, Ncars
Little did I know that 1H away from Amsterdam, The Hague has a world class car Museum, actually one of the best collections I've seen. I spent a few hours in Den Hagg to see other things, but Louwman Car Museum was where I spent the most time.

The story is that a successful Dutch businessman started collecting cars, and eventually realized that he needed a better place to house them, so he built this extensive multiple building, multiple story museum to house them all. The collection is heavily weighed towards older rare cars:

very old steam powered car
very old steam powered car

face to face sitting car, using candles for lights
face to face sitting car, using candles for lights

another very strange design, makes you wonder why it didn't catch on :)
another very strange design, makes you wonder why it didn't catch on :)

the controls look 'interesting'
the controls look 'interesting'

unusual steering control
unusual steering control

boat car, which apparently was a poor boat and a poor car
boat car, which apparently was a poor boat and a poor car

not a boat car, but pretending to be one
not a boat car, but pretending to be one

another steam car
another steam car

the first hybrid gas/electric car, some 90 years before the prius!
the first hybrid gas/electric car, some 90 years before the prius!

looks like every crazy thing has been tried
looks like every crazy thing has been tried

6 wheel drive formula 1!
6 wheel drive formula 1!


And after 4H, the visit was over, just as the museum was closing. It was definitely a museum that was one of a kind.

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