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2021/08/13 A bit of car week in Salinas and Carmel by the Sea
π 2021-08-13 01:01 in Cars, Ncars
Joon was nice enough to hook me up and I signed up for the Mclaren AutoX in Salinas. It had been almost 15 years since I last autocrossed, and never autocrossed any of my more recent fast cars. So I started by going to Salinas Airport, that was fun:

I then did a few runs, and got my times down

this was the best time of the day
this was the best time of the day

I got 2 better times even, but they didn't count because I touched some cones
I got 2 better times even, but they didn't count because I touched some cones

My best unofficial time was only 0.5s slower than their chief instructor and my tires were way past their prime, so I was pretty happy with that :)

I got a price, woohoo :)
I got a price, woohoo :)

After the autoX, I went to Carmel to enjoy the nice downtown, sea view, and cars:

lots of nice houses
lots of nice houses

police nicely closed Ocean Av after a while, sigh...
police nicely closed Ocean Av after a while, sigh...

I went to see a few nice stores to kill some time

After a few hours, it was time to go to the Mclaren reception (thanks again Joon)

and I ran into Dan, awesome!
and I ran into Dan, awesome!

I had never been to Monterey/Carmel during car week. That wasn't exactly the perfect day to go, but it sure was fun. Glad that I was able to make it.

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