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2006/10/28 Monster Massive 2006
π 2006-10-28 21:16 by Merlin in Clubbing

Monster Massive had such a great lineup this year, that I figured it made sense to fly there for the event, especially because I needed to do a long flight for my IFR training, so flying to Santa Monica to go see the event that night, made perfect sense.
The search felt pretty strict, first searched for all metallic objects, just like in an airport, and then searched again for things they didn't like you to bring in, but that were not linked to safety. On one side, I can appreciate that if you gather 10,000 people in downtown LA, you might have to worry about the occasional person who'd feel the need to bring a gun, but on the other side, it feels weird to go through security that is at least as strick as an airport.
I however have to take offense to the rules against bringing handheld digital cameras. I mean, WTF? First, if I pay $200 for two VIP tickets, I don't want any of that unannounced "oh, you can't take your digital camera" bullshit. But second, those rules are totally arbitrary and stupid: you're not going to confiscate cell phones, and they now have 2-3 Megapixel cameras. If you allow those, it is totally stupid to ban digital cameras, on top of being unfair, and bad business towards the customer who just gave you $100/ticket.
Once inside, the party was quite nice, the lineup was great, and I am definitely thankful to the organizers for having posted the DJ schedule in advance on their website. Everyone should do that :)

No, no guns here, but I want to keep my camera, thank you

Yes, there were other DJs than Armin, I just didn't stay closeby in the pit during the whole time :)
I do have to say about Paul Van Dyk though, voted #1 DJ again: while I don't mind his music, I'm not sure how someone who doesn't bother to spin anything anymore, and just brings a laptop, where for all I know he could just press play on a pre-made mix, got voted #1 again. The worst part is that they had to stop the music several minutes while he got the turntables/CD players out, and plugged in his laptop. Lame if you ask me....
But eh, I'm happy Armin got the #2 spot, and Tijs at the #3 spot is still very deserving too.
Anyway, you can see many more pictures and videos of Monster Massive 2006
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