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2004/10/30 Halloween Weekend Sunday: Paul Oakenfold at Ruby Skye
π 2004-10-30 23:00 by Merlin in Clubbing
You can see the evening with the pictures of Oakey at Ruby Skye)
After two awesome nights, it took a lot of mustering to get the remaining energy to do this again for a 3rd day in a row: it started reminding me of Ibiza, but eh, sleep is for the weak, right? :-)
So, I had seen Oakey once before, but it had been 3 years, and I barely recognized him with his long hair :)

Before (2001)

After (2004) / Give it to me, baby :-)

This also was my first time at Ruby Skye. I had been meaning to go for a while, and this was the perfect occasion to go. Nice decor, and sure doesn't look like a cheap hangar, like 1015.

Yeah, first row again, smack in front of the DJ booth (it was halloween, remember? :-) )

Anyway, this was an awesome weekend, even if it was exhausting. For that matter, it most likely beat any 3 consecutive days I had in Ibiza, and that's saying right there.
This weekend finally gave me faith that you can find good Trance in San Francisco.
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