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2014/08/28 Trance Night at White Ocean, Burning Man
π 2014-08-28 01:01 in Bm, Clubbing
On my night out wednesday night, I was looking at Sound Camps at 2 o'clock at burning man, and go by a big elaborate sound camp that played something that sounded like Trance. I stayed for a bit, and though, "eh, this is something Oakey would play". I get closer, zoom on the DJ booth, and what do you know, it was Oakey playing. I stayed for his set, and get rewarded by Above and Beyond who came next and also played a great set. It was awesome, I was super tired and had planned to go to bed by 03:00, but I totally scratched that plan, and stayed for the whole set :)

Thank you to all the people involved in making this happen, it was an awesome night. Here's a summary video with the best tunes I heard:

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