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2022/05/19 LSR/CITY: Gareth Emery Las Vegas
π 2022-05-19 01:01 in Clubbing
The day before EDC, Gareth Emery had a new version of his laser show in a Vegas warehouse. I didn't expect it to be to the level of laserface in San Francisco, and it wasn't, but it was still fun to see.

There were multiple opening DJs, unfortunately they apparently got told not to overachieve too much, which made the first sets not as interesting:

By 23:30, Gareth took over and the laser show actually started:

and after 1h30, the show was over. Gareth did a good set and the lasers always make it more fun :)

Video summary:

See more images for LSR/CITY: Gareth Emery Las Vegas
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