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2007/01/29 Diving the great barrier reef on the Spirit of Freedom
π 2007-01-29 15:47 by Merlin in Diving

hing one way or the other, and since Jennifer hadn't been able to go with me last year, it made sense for me to go back to the great barrier reef on a week long live aboard dive boat.
This year, I went with the Spirit of Freedom , mostly because it ended up being the only boat that matched the plane dates I had. Unfortunately, only a quad share room was available for half the trip, and that was kind of tight space-wise, and it wasn't quite the cheapest trip available, but the boat was quite nice and the staff top notch.

giant potato code

a sea snake, which I'm told is friendly, but I didn't get close enough to check :)

the giant cod was about as big as Jennifer

A shark from the shark feed

The small fish looks out for the blind shrimp which has the job of digging the hole

Of course, the above are just a few samples from the Gallery of Pictures Taken From Great Barrier Reef Flight .
During the trip, I passed the 100 dives mark (to 110), and Jennifer likely quadrupled her number of dives at least, as well as did much better on control and air consumption by the end (from 40-50 bars more than me to about 10 bars less than me), and she also got nitrox rating in the process.
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