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2011/07/04 Flight to Pine Mountain Lake (E45) and over Hetch Hetchy Reservoir
π 2011-07-04 01:01 in Flying, Nflying
As a way to spend a few days in the Sierras over July 4th, I looked into options and heard that would could fly into Pine Mountain Lake. After checking on airnav, I found the very well reviewed Cub Inn Bed and Breakfast, owned by two pilots.
The great thing for pilots is that the very nice owners will pick you up at the airport and lend you their jeep so that you can get around and get to see a little bit more than just Pine Mountain Lake itself (which is actually a nice place, but there is more to see in the Sierras than just that).

The flight to Pine Mountain Lake was uneventful:

Pine Mountain Lake Airport
Pine Mountain Lake Airport

Pine Mountain Lake
Pine Mountain Lake

and after overflying the airport, we pushed to Hetch Hetchy to get some air pictures before going back the next day on the ground:

flow was strong obviously
flow was strong obviously

some hikers got swept off that bridge a few days prior
some hikers got swept off that bridge a few days prior

nearby reservoir
nearby reservoir

It was a nice little flight, weather was perfect and it was good to see Hetch Hetchy waterfalls that we ended up never being allowed to hike to the next day.

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