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2014/06/23 Another Visit of Midway Aircraft Carrier in San Diego
π 2014-06-23 01:01 in Flying, Nflying
I had spent over 3 hours in 2012 and didn't get to finish the top last time, so I went back with Arturo and we spent another 3-4H to do the top. Clearly doing the whole thing carefully takes a whole day from open to close.

This time though we started with the top deck which usually is a 1H line and we saw right away, and then we worked through the flight deck:

Captain's view
Captain's view

From there we saw the captain's quarters and surroundings, ops and comm rooms:

From there, we went to the flight deck and dispatch rooms:

landing signals
landing signals

There was a lot more to see in the aircraft carrier, but we had done a good amount for the day (and this mostly completed my prior visit where I had seen all the bottom floors in details).

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