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2015/07/31 Houston's Johnson's Space Center
π 2015-07-31 01:01 in Flying, Nflying
Since we were flying through Houston on our way back from Costa Rica, we planned to stay a couple of days to go to the Houston Space Center, and that was time very well spent.

We roamed around the exhibits a little bit before our level9 tour:

hard to imagine this folded and fit under the lunar lander
hard to imagine this folded and fit under the lunar lander

Then, we started our level9 tour: it's a private tour for 12 people showing many out of bounds area up front and personal, it was awesome.

I love those signs :)
I love those signs :)

Our tour started with the Saturn V rocket, and yes, it's big :)

this piece on top of the rocket is supposed to take off and take the top module with it if the rocket fails at takeoff
this piece on top of the rocket is supposed to take off and take the top module with it if the rocket fails at takeoff

2nd stage
2nd stage

1st stage + 2nd stage
1st stage + 2nd stage

inside of 3rd stage
inside of 3rd stage

Next, we went to their big swimming pool where astronauts train:

From there, we went to Mission Control Center for the space station (ISS) and got some explanations from someone working there and on his break:

the zoom on my camera came in handy :)
the zoom on my camera came in handy :)

The next part, which was super cool is that we were allowed to go in the actual mission control center used to put man on the moon:

I guess they didn't have Email yet :)
I guess they didn't have Email yet :)

I fixed the squawk code on their console :)
I fixed the squawk code on their console :)

The nice gentleman who took time off his break to give us a tour
The nice gentleman who took time off his break to give us a tour

I need to change my job title to this :)
I need to change my job title to this :)

We then went to see the new mission control center that will replace the old one:

I'm glad to see they use 4 LCDs like me :)
I'm glad to see they use 4 LCDs like me :)

Last on our tour was their lab where they build new stuff:

copy of Soyuz for training
copy of Soyuz for training

We then used the remaining part of the day to see parts of the museum, and came back the next morning to finish it:

one twin stays on the ground, one goes to space, and they'll compare changes after one year
one twin stays on the ground, one goes to space, and they'll compare changes after one year

impact testing
impact testing

nuclear propulsion would be good
nuclear propulsion would be good

one astronaut gave us a talk
one astronaut gave us a talk

And that was it for our tour of Houston Space Center, it was plain awesome.

See more images for Houston's Johnson's Space Center
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