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2015/08/20 Seaplane Flight in Low Overcast Seattle
π 2015-08-20 01:01 in Flying, Nflying
We went for an early flight one morning, unfortunately it was a very overcast day in the morning, so the views weren't fantastic, but still, it was nice to see Seattle from the air, and that was my first seaplane flight.

EMP in the bottom right, and science museum just up and left of the space needle
EMP in the bottom right, and science museum just up and left of the space needle

very nice houses with their own boat and seaplane
very nice houses with their own boat and seaplane

did I say overcast?
did I say overcast?

smith tower
smith tower

cars line up for the ferry, with overflow lines
cars line up for the ferry, with overflow lines

many boats...
many boats...

and that was it after our water landing
and that was it after our water landing

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