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2015/10/15 Aviation Expo in Palm Springs
π 2015-10-15 01:01 in Flying, Nflying
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It had been 3 years since I flew to Palm Springs for AOPA Aviation Expo. Back then, the flight had turned ugly half way and I ended up IMC half way during the flight.
This time, I only had a crappy C172SP with no in flight weather, so it was a bit more challenging. Sure enough the weather was interesting too, and while we made it there VFR, I had to take a very non direct route to avoid weather, and the flight took 3.5H in the end, but we made it.

The non aviation parts of Palm Springs are here.

cute :)
cute :)

the plowing started ok, and then the guy started drinking
the plowing started ok, and then the guy started drinking

another interesting one
another interesting one

nice racetrack
nice racetrack

weather got a bit more interesting as I got closer to Palm Springs
weather got a bit more interesting as I got closer to Palm Springs

The aviation expo was a bit small and no frills (nothing to rival what AOPA used to do), but still nice to attend. I went to a bunch of talks on various aviation topics and got to see a few planes up for show:

The flight back on sunday late afternoon was interesting too as we had to escape before thunderstorms started getting in, and dodge weather visually while sun was setting. Thankfully I made it across the Sierras before it got 100% dark, and while I had to get below clouds to land at Palo Alto which turned IMC just after I landed.

See more images for Aviation Expo in Palm Springs
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