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2016/09/28 Munich's Deutsches Museum
π 2016-09-28 01:01 in Germany2016, Sciencemuseums
Because we spent quite a bit of time at the BMW Factory and Museum, we only had about 2H left, which for a huge museum like the Munich Deutsches Museum, is totally not enough time, even running through it, but I figured 2H there was better than nothing at all, so we gave it our best shot :)
To make matters worse, it had lots of interesting displays that I started reading, so that slow me down further :) It's a huge collection of lots of things that are science related in one way or another, from planes to transportation, to mining, to medicine, biotech, to early computers, calculators and measuring instruments, telescopes, and many many more...

In the end, I probably got to see about 1/3rd of it well enough and another few bits with fast walking, before I got cornered and tackled by the museum guards and thrown out ;)

A few pictures:

a rand tube computer, I've only seen another one at the computer history museum in Mountain View
a rand tube computer, I've only seen another one at the computer history museum in Mountain View

nice display showing how many transistors you have in an early micro processor
nice display showing how many transistors you have in an early micro processor

There was much more to see, but no time. Hopefully I'll be able to go back another day for a full day this time.

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