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2013/02/11 Sydney
π 2013-02-11 01:01 in Google
I had been to the prior Sydney office across from Darling Harbour and while the new one is a bit further to get to, it still has great views of the harbour.

Since we where visiting sydney for a day before going home, we stopped by.

The buildings themselves were quite nice too:

not a bad desk view
not a bad desk view

SREs, hard at work
SREs, hard at work

Duncan and Lees were nice enough to have us for lunch:

Kangaroo, yummy!
Kangaroo, yummy!

After lunch, I went around to get more pictures of the floors:

Maker desk
Maker desk

We then went to see the secondary office on the top floors of the maritime museum:

Please mind your roaming elephants
Please mind your roaming elephants

That was a nice little visit. From there, we had to hurry to the airport to catch our flight home.

See more images for Sydney
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