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2018/09/10 Visiting 4 Google Offices around Seattle
π 2018-09-10 01:01 in Google
My team went to Seattle for a couple of days, so I used the opportunity to go see the other nearby offices. The Kirkland campus is a really nice one:

this bike was connected to the kitchen to a blender I think, I didn't get to see it work, though
this bike was connected to the kitchen to a blender I think, I didn't get to see it work, though

huge playing areas
huge playing areas

The next day I went to check out the Bothell office. While it was not open to regular employees, I got a very quick tour:

The redmond office was a small office with a few logistics people, not much to visit. The next day was time to go to work in the Fremont office. Lots of buildings there:

fresh baguette, yum
fresh baguette, yum

Definitely very nice offices, glad that I got to see more of them than on my last trip in 2015.

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