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2004/11/27 Yes, even linux sucks
π 2004-11-27 23:18 by Merlin in Linux

Current Music: Paul Oakenfold - Essential Mix - Live in Havana, Cuba - 1999-02-21
Current Mood: well, I'm pissed off, screw you guys!

It took me more than 3H to upgrade firefox from 0.8 to 1.0, ultimately due to some trace of the old package preventing the new one from installing.
After many hours of tinkering, web searches, filesystem inspections, strace logs and so forth, the fix ended up being to manually run dpkg --purge mozilla-firefox, as apt-get remove wasn't good enough.
Sometimes, linux doesn't rule, not even debian (see, I don't just badmouth windows :)
At least, I still maintain my track record of never having had to re-install linux for any reason (which isn't true of windows)
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