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2011/08/17 Linuxcon 2011
π 2011-08-17 01:01 in Linux
This year linuxcon had moved to Vancouver, making it a north american (not US) conference, which considering that Craig Ross is from the fine country of Canadia, isn't too surprising :)

Vancouver if a nice city to go visit, so that was not a bad thing at all :) and I was invited this year to talk about power monitoring. Outside of a small issue where I was so busy before the conference that I forgot which day I was suppose to fly there, and missed my flight to Vancouver, I got there the next morning on some very early flight and things worked out (putting aside the resulting poor sleep).

My talk on power monitoring, while having taken way too long to write, went well. Here is the link to the slides on the Power Monitoring with Linux talk.

A few keynote pictures:

A couple of random slides:

The 20 year party I was very underdressed for :)

And the random picture:

Despite the travel mishaps, it was a good conference.

See more images for Linuxcon 2011
2011/08/27 Linux 20th Anniversary Picnic
π 2011-08-27 01:01 in Linux
While SVLUG is smaller nowadays and les volunteers to help organize things, there was still a core group (mostly old timers I've known for 15 years now) who organized the event. I had missed most previous ones since I was away, so it wsa nice to go back and reconnect with old friends I hadn't seen in a while.

that's cute :)
that's cute :)

See more images for Linux 20th Anniversary Picnic
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