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2014/01/06 Linux.conf.au 2014 in Perth
π 2014-01-06 01:01 in Linux
It had been 11 years since I went to the last LCA in Perth, and I was excited to go again. As always, thanks to the volunteers who made this happen this year.

I was excited to do the arduino miniconf this year since it was to make a GSM phone.

this looks almost like my nokia phone from 1999
this looks almost like my nokia phone from 1999

We had some good keynotes this year too, my eagerly awaited favourite being of course Jon's arduino in space.

And Tridge was the lucky deserving recipient of the Rusty Wrench award this year:

I definitely enjoyed his ardupilot talk

Of course, like each year, I enjoyed socializing with my international friends:

See more images for Linux.conf.au 2014 in Perth
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