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2016/08/23 Linuxcon 2016, Toronto
π 2016-08-23 01:01 in Linux
After Linuxcon in Japan, we went to the one in Toronto. It had 10 parallel tracks at time, it was a very packed schedule.

kind of weird to see a keynote on Microsoft showing their 'longstanding' contributions to linux
kind of weird to see a keynote on Microsoft showing their 'longstanding' contributions to linux

Funny how microsoft was playing all "we love linux and we have for a long time", when they're still actively extorting money for companies that dare to use linux and aren't paying microsoft windows licenses:

  • http://techrights.org/2016/02/10/extorting-acer-with-patents
  • http://techrights.org/2016/03/10/charm-offensives-distract
  • http://techrights.org/2016/04/29/microsoft-continues-extortion
  • I gave my talk on Open Source at Google and it was well received:

    Show floor:

    The last evening, we had a nice party where people were eoncuraged to dress up:

    ice cream made onsite
    ice cream made onsite

    See more images for Linuxcon 2016, Toronto
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