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2020/01/13 Linux.Conf.au 2020 in the Gold Coast
π 2020-01-13 01:01 in Linux
LCA had been nearby twice, in Brisbane, but this was the first time in the Gold Coast. I had been there twice in the past though, so there were fewer things left to see, I went to check them

I gave a couple of talks this year:

  • Planning for and Handling Failures from Open Hardware, Aviation, to Production at Google
  • ESP32 Memory Management, Neopixels and RGBPanels
  • I also had fun at the Open Hardware Miniconf 2020: Dingo Car with Tensorflow Video Analysis v2

    I met Chris and Jon for dinner before the conference:

    Chris had a fancy wheelchair enhanced with Jon's improvements
    Chris had a fancy wheelchair enhanced with Jon's improvements

    Then came time for the conference:

    I much enjoyed a very cool talk on emulating old game consoles in an FPGA

    took a lot to run those video consoles back then, lots of it was RAM
    took a lot to run those video consoles back then, lots of it was RAM

    there was no framebuffer, sprites and backgrounds were rendered real time during CRT gun scans
    there was no framebuffer, sprites and backgrounds were rendered real time during CRT gun scans

    backgrounds were rendered fro a bunch of tiles to same RAM
    backgrounds were rendered fro a bunch of tiles to same RAM

    Random talk slides:

    great to have Bunnie back
    great to have Bunnie back

    Nice to see the usual people again:

    of course I 'need' an ESP32 watch :)
    of course I 'need' an ESP32 watch :)

    this one is cute too
    this one is cute too

    Nice dinners as usual:

    I brought my new LED outfit
    I brought my new LED outfit

    And just like this, it was conference close, where we we told to guess where the next conference would be:

    it'll be back in Canberra a 3rd time
    it'll be back in Canberra a 3rd time

    Jon Oxer won the Rusty Wrench award this year, and it was well deserved
    Jon Oxer won the Rusty Wrench award this year, and it was well deserved

    After an ice cream social, the conference was over.

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