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2023/05/18 Visiting Transfix with Burning Man Art Installations during EDC
π 2023-05-18 01:01 in Bm, Clubbing, Edc, Outings
Just before going to EDC, I found out about Transfix, which displays a good amount of Burning Man art pieces. It was a bit tight to fit a visit during EDC week, but was able to go on Thursday just before going to Dreamstate at Area15. I came well dressed for the event :)

It was a quick visit, but it was enjoyable. Glad I was able to see it.

2023/05/17 Seeing Ka Again at MGM
π 2023-05-17 01:01 in Outings
It had been many years since I last saw Ka, so I was happy to see it again, and be marvelled again at the machinery and all the technical details involved in the show. It was beyond awesome when it was built 18 years ago and still super cool today. The best part though is that I got a private tour of backstage after the show, and that was beyond cool.

See more images for Seeing Ka Again at MGM
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