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2011/12/13 Steve Job's Biography at the Computer History Museum
π 2011-12-13 01:01 in Public
This was a 'sold out' event where the members took all the spots within hours of the Email announcement. Walter Isaacson gave us a summary of the biography he wrong on Steve.

I had already read a fair amount about Steve, but I was still impressed by the details of how Steve would believe in something that seemed unachievable strongly enough that he would manage to convince his engineers that it was achievable, and they would often make it happen.

I also didn't know that all Apple devices were not upgradable, or even meant to be opened, because Steve believed they were works of art that should not be disturbed since they were perfect as is :)

I never was a Steve fanboy, but I do admire the guy for some of what he did, and all in all, it was a quite interesting evening.

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