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2014/03/06 Baby birds under our roof
π 2014-03-06 01:01 in Public
While eating outside with Jennifer, I noticed a nest I hadn't seen before under our roof. Two little blackhead birds (that's our technical name for them :) ok, the real name is actually Black-capped chickadee), used the cable going to my outdoors camera that was looking at our patio, and built a nest there.

This made it trivial for me to rotate the camera just a bit, and have a birdcam we were able to enjoy for 11 days (after 11 days, they had gone from egg to hatched to gone). They have however come back to our bird feeder several times, and they were not much afraid of us, maybe because I caressed them a bit when they were baby, and held a couple of them.

The parents actually attacked the squirrels on our patio and chased them away (they would fly and land on their back to spook them out):

The parents were doing a great job getting food for them. I just one hour, we saw how many grubs and insects they found, it was amazing:

Eventually they got bigger, and I grabbed one gently for a few minutes before putting it back:

And overnight, they flew off and were gone the next morning. My camera didn't get a good shot of them flying off due to lack of light. But later, we saw all 4 come back and enjoy our bird feeder (oh noes, actually those were other baby birds, Dark Eyed Junco.

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