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2023/02/13 Unexpected Private Computer Museum Outside Montreal: E-Musee Computer Museum
π 2023-02-13 01:01 in Sciencemuseums
I had a bit of time to kill in Montréal, so I pulled google maps, and typed "museum". Most museums are closed on mondays, so my options were limited, and then I found this. I was a bit skeptical, no reviews on google maps, so I thought I'd give it a shot, because why not?
I didn't expect the museum to be within a computer store, but it was, and it ended up being a quite impressive private collection. I was positively surprised and spent over one hour going through all the displays and explanations.

Lots of cool memories and trip in memory lane

daugherboards that contained entire motherboards and CPUs, cool
daugherboards that contained entire motherboards and CPUs, cool

I remember having a MB like this, also note the extra holes around the CPU to allow for bigger CPUs to fit
I remember having a MB like this, also note the extra holes around the CPU to allow for bigger CPUs to fit

man, I remember all of these
man, I remember all of these

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