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2023/04/16 A few hours in Solvang
π 2023-04-16 01:01 in Ntrips, Trips
Arrived a bit late on a sunday due to a solid overcast that hung around longer than planned, and eventually arrived in town close to 14:00. I was a bit worried that it wouldn't be enough since many things closed at 17:00, and a few at 18:00, but by being efficient it was just enough.

Started with the old spanish mission just outside of town:

Then it was time to visit town, which is indeed best done on foot. It's a nice little danish town that a few immigrants decided to make it their home and it grew from there:

lots of stores and overpriced tourist stuff:

And a few museums:

Including the motorcycle museum

After being done with town, went to the fun Ostrige Museum a few miles down the road:

See more images for A few hours in Solvang
2023/04/14 Couple of days in Paso Robles
π 2023-04-14 01:01 in Ntrips, Trips
As part of a flying trip to Oceano, Paso Robles, and Solvang, after flying to Oceano Sand Dunes, Paso Robles was next.

It had been a while since I last went, happy to have been back:

There was a bit of time left in the day after arriving from Oceano, so going to downtown to check out a few local stores and galleries, made sense:

then time for an early dinner
then time for an early dinner

After dinner, it was almost time for sunset and to go check out Field of Lights/Sensorio

The next day, got up early-ish to drive to Hearst Castle

After making sure that Hearst Castle wasn't going to take the whole day, got back in time to visit Paso Robles, starting with the Pioneer Museum, which was much better than expected:

they also had a old oil pump
they also had a old oil pump

After the museum, there was time left over to visit downtown which had an art festival that weekend:

The plan was to go visit Franklin Hot Springs next, but honstly when I arrived, it looked pretty ghetto, so I aborted that plan :)

The next morning, plan was to go to Solvang early, but both areas were solid overcast, delaying the flight. In the end it was a mixed blessing because I had some extra time to visit both museums on field:

  • Estrella Warbird Museum

  • Woodland Auto Display

  • And then that was it for Paso Robles. Honestly there didn't seem to be much else to do if you're not into wine tasting :)
    'till next time.

    See more images for Couple of days in Paso Robles
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